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LED Piping

We have developed a new style of piping using LED lighting. By pairing perforated leather piping with LED inserts, we can create eye-catching patterns that illuminate interiors.

Light up the dark

Creating an atmosphere within an automotive interior begins as soon as the door is open. A combination of premium materials, world class craftsmanship and an overall sense of luxury are all felt subconsciously when a person enters. Piping is used to highlight details within the interior, framing the ergonomic design of the seats.

We've taken it one step further with the edition of light, with an inner LED and outer perforated leather wrap. An interior can be illuminated from the seat edge – giving a soft glow around the cars guests. The LED can be any colour to compliment the interior palette.

Ambient Glow

LED light can draw attention to details, stitching and brand marks.


In the spotlight

Contrasting colour combinations can create vivid patterns.

If you want to see more examples or discuss LED piping for a project, get in touch.